Nolido cash SARL Bénin is a Beninese-registered electronic money distribution company with a capital of 2,000,000 FCFA, headquartered at Sike Fignon, Cotonou Bénin, and registered in the Cotonou and Dakar Trade Registers.
Nolido cash SARL Benin is also represented in all other countries by the SOUTCHA SAS group, a Senegalese company, registered in the Dakar Trade Register and present in all the countries of the sub-region and soon in the rest of Africa.
Nolido Cash SARL provides its customers who meet the definition of the term “User” as specified in the General Conditions of Use, with the solution known as “Nolido Cash”. The distribution of the service is made in agreement with designated Financial Service Providers in the Countries of destination currently available on Nolido cash. The Nolido Cash solution is designed to facilitate simple, economical, fast and reliable transfers to and within Africa.
In accordance with the Regulations relating to payment systems in WAEMU member states and Instruction No. 013-11-2015 relating to the terms and conditions for carrying out the activity of fast money transfer as a sub-agent within the West African Monetary Union and Instruction No. 008-05-2015 governing the terms and conditions for carrying out the activities of electronic money issuers in the member states of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU), the company Nolido cash, is authorized to distribute Electronic Money.